February 2024

How to optimize the health of intermittent and complex industrial equipment: IoT HUB Triggering

February 21, 2024

Vibration monitoring for standard industrial rotating equipment is anything but new. The first accelerometer that was commercialized was created in 1924, with the piezoelectric accelerometer coming to the market shortly after, bringing a new level of accuracy to the developing field of vibration monitoring. Today, MEMS accelerometers are the standard in monitoring standard rotating equipment like fans, pumps, and motors. However, the quality of data transmitted by these sensors varies dramatically company to company, […]

KCF Technologies Announces Integration with Nabors Industries to Enhance Predictive Maintenance for Oil and Gas Drilling Rigs

February 20, 2024

STATE COLLEGE, PA – KCF Technologies, a leader in predictive maintenance and machine health solutions, today announced an integration with Nabors Industries, pioneer of the RigCLOUD® digital drilling platform, enabling customers to bring data from their wireless machine sensors into the open cloud system.

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