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Connected hardware is the foundation of a total machine health solution. Build reliable machine-monitoring infrastructure with sensors and other data relay devices that hold up under the most rugged industrial conditions. Monitor vibration and other qualitative and quantitative inputs, even on specialty assets that operate intermittently.


Connect data to action with SMARTdiagnostics, the advanced machine health optimization platform that has created over $4 billion in customer savings. An IoT platform, advanced analytics, and user-friendly enterprise software are combined in our full-stack solution for manufacturing machine health optimization. Automated analysis with SMARTdiagnostics drives the right action at the right time.


Image of workers at a plant

Get access to elite machine health problem-solvers who will help you engineer failure out of your production processes. Our SENTRYsolutions team is made up of engineers, vibration analysts, and industry experts with decades of manufacturing experience. We partner with you to solve your asset problems permanently and reach peak performance with one-on-one operational support.

Achieve 3.6x more asset coverage with the only comprehensive platform to ingest Oil, MCSA, Pressure, Vibration, Legacy IEPE sensors, and Ultrasound into
one software platform.

Industries We Serve

There is no one-size-fits-all solution for machine health. Our team is made up of groups of industry-focused experts who understand your specific challenges and can help design the best-fit machine health solution for your business. Explore the custom solutions we’ve developed in a range of manufacturing industries.

  • Oil & Gas

    By monitoring over a million hydraulic fracturing stages across six shale basins in North America, we’ve learned that oil and gas companies that aren’t using machine health automation technology are willingly giving up at least 30% of their asset life.

  • Automotive

    Intermittently operating assets like conveyance systems are difficult to monitor for fault warnings. If these assets fail, the usual result is a full line stoppage that can cost $1M+ per hour. Our machine optimization platform gives automakers an advantage in a highly competitive market.

  • Forest Products

    Mission-critical forestry assets are extremely vulnerable to vibration damage due to high-speed operation and repeated loading and unloading cycles. Downtime can cost organizations millions of dollars per year in lost productivity and repairs.

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Dr. Jeffrey Liker, University of Michigan, Liker Lean Advisors

Joe Li, Manager, Toyota North America

Yahya Khan, Senior Reliability Engineer, Clarios Corporation

Dr. Jeremy Frank, CEO and Founder, KCF Technologies, Inc.

Lean and Digital Manufacturing

Putting People at the Center

This feature article jointly written by Dr. Jeff Liker – Author of the Toyota Way, Dr. Jeremy Frank-CEO of KCF Technologies, Yahya Kahn – Regional Reliability Leader at Clarios, and Joe Li – Manager at Toyota dives into the transition from the lean movement and the technology advancements of Industry 4.0.

Readers will learn about the limitations of relying solely on automated systems for problem-solving, highlighting the enduring need for human intervention and adaptive problem-solving skills, especially as technologies evolve and more complex issues arise.

Insights from the authors illustrate the balance between predictive and adaptive problem-solving with the recommendation that manufacturing companies focus on developing the problem-solving abilities while integrating advanced digital technologies. This balanced approach, leads to more sustainable benefits and prepares for an industrial future where human intellect complements technological advancements.


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